nagios - (시스템 및 네트워크 모니터링) 로컬호스트 모니터링 설정하기
nagios - (시스템 및 네트워크 모니터링) 로컬호스트 모니터링 설정하기
이번에는 Nagios를 이용한 로컬호스트 모니터링을 설정방법을 알아보겠습니다
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Nagios 설치를 완료하면 로컬호스트(Nagios 서버)의 기본설정은 거의 되어 있으며, 로컬호스트(Nagios 서버) 설정 파일의 대하여 알아보도록 하겠습니다.
Nagios 로컬 호스트 설정 방법 |
1. Nagios 로컬호스트 설정파일
[root@nagios ~]# vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg . . cfg_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/localhost.cfg . .
Nagios 웹브라우저에서 출력하게될 로컬호스트 파일은 localhost.cfg 입니다 설치시 기본으로 설정되어 있는 부분이며, 로컬호스트 설정을 변경하시려면 localhost.cfg 파일을 변경하시면 됩니다
또한 원격지 측 모니터링을 추가시 cfg_file=[모니터링측.cfg]로 추가하시면 됩니다
2. Nagios 로컬호스트 모니터링하기 위한 설정
[root@nagios ~]# vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/localhost.cfg ############################################################################### # LOCALHOST.CFG - SAMPLE OBJECT CONFIG FILE FOR MONITORING THIS MACHINE # # # NOTE: This config file is intended to serve as an *extremely* simple # example of how you can create configuration entries to monitor # the local (Linux) machine. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # HOST DEFINITION # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Define a host for the local machine define host{ use linux-server ; Name of host template to use ; This host definition will inherit all variables that are defined ; in (or inherited by) the linux-server host template definition. host_name localhost alias localhost address } ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # HOST GROUP DEFINITION # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Define an optional hostgroup for Linux machines define hostgroup{ hostgroup_name linux-servers ; The name of the hostgroup alias Linux Servers ; Long name of the group members localhost ; Comma separated list of hosts that belong to this group } ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # SERVICE DEFINITIONS # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # Define a service to "ping" the local machine define service{ use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name localhost service_description PING check_command check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60% } # Define a service to check the disk space of the root partition # on the local machine. Warning if < 20% free, critical if # < 10% free space on partition. define service{ use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name localhost service_description Root Partition check_command check_local_disk!20%!10%!/ } # Define a service to check the number of currently logged in # users on the local machine. Warning if > 20 users, critical # if > 50 users. define service{ use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name localhost service_description Current Users check_command check_local_users!20!50 } # Define a service to check the number of currently running procs # on the local machine. Warning if > 250 processes, critical if # > 400 processes. define service{ use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name localhost service_description Total Processes check_command check_local_procs!250!400!RSZDT } # Define a service to check the load on the local machine. define service{ use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name localhost service_description Current Load check_command check_local_load!5.0,4.0,3.0!10.0,6.0,4.0 } # Define a service to check the swap usage the local machine. # Critical if less than 10% of swap is free, warning if less than 20% is free define service{ use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name localhost service_description Swap Usage check_command check_local_swap!20!10 } # Define a service to check SSH on the local machine. # Disable notifications for this service by default, as not all users may have SSH enabled. define service{ use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name localhost service_description SSH check_command check_ssh notifications_enabled 0 } # Define a service to check HTTP on the local machine. # Disable notifications for this service by default, as not all users may have HTTP enabled. define service{ use local-service ; Name of service template to use host_name localhost service_description HTTP check_command check_http notifications_enabled 0 }
Nagios 설치완료후 기본적인 모니링의 대한 설정은 localhost.cfg의 파일의 명시되어 있으며, 모니터링 서버의 IP변경, 모니터링 서버의 서비스 추가 설정을 하시면 됩니다
3. Nagios 로컬호스 웹페이지 모니터링
localhost.cfg의 파일에 있는 서비스들이 웹페이지 상에서 작동중인 과정이 표시된것을 확인할 수 있습니다